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Chelsea Otto ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SuperStar Director

My Story

Our LIFE changed by 1 CLICK!!

In 2012 I knew our family NEEDED a change! I was tired of living pay check to pay check. I was tired of seeing my husband work so hard and not get paid what he deserved. I wanted to be at home with our son and not pay for daycare. After using Scentsy for a little while my husband suggest I start my own business. I was VERY skeptical. I was NOT a sales person! I had very little confidence I would be successful at Direct Sales.

Shortly following my husband trying to encourage me to join, we found out we were pregnant with our 2nd child! We were SO thrilled to be adding a new baby to the family. When I was around 3 months pregnant, I was having some complications with the pregnancy so my doctor put me on strict bedrest and told me I need to quit working till after the baby was born. Going from 2 incomes to 1 just didn't sit right with me. My husband suggested becoming a Scentsy consultant again, and I finally said, lets give this a try!

It wasn't long after joining and getting my starter kit, my husband and I learned that we had lost our unborn child at 17 weeks, who shortly after losing we found out "he/she" was a little boy and we named him Carter. After a very heart breaking roller coaster ride, I knew I had to focus on something else to help keep my mind off everything. So I turned back to my Scentsy business. I have never seen myself work so hard and put so much dedication into something like I have with Scentsy. I couldn't get enough of meeting new people, making samples, hosting and putting basket parties together for my customers, and sharing my business! I really felt like I was finding myself again after losing our son.

In 2018, I had the HONOR of living in Japan for 8 months while still successfully running my Scentsy business but after almost losing my husband in a near drowning accident while he was deployed, the doctors discovered he had a tumor on the left side of his brain. So back to the states we went! After a biopsy, they discovered it was in fact brain cancer. Scentsy has given me the freedom to be able to take care of him and to never miss an appointment. To help him during his 6 weeks of radiation and 1 year worth of chemo treatments. To be able to be the best wife and caregiver I can be.

I can HONESTLY say without my husband's support over the 8 years and our group, Scent Lovin' Stars (over 3,000 amazing consultants) would not be what it is today, and lives would not be changing within myself and our team. I have truly found my PURPOSE in life. Scentsy DOES pay all of our bills now BUT that is not why I continue to SHOW UP every single day. I believe I've been placed here to guide people to show them a different way of life. Whether it's financial freedom, FREE vacations or just finding their self worth!

There isnt just income to be gained which is an obvious PLUS, but we earn FREE TRIPS TOO! Yes, FREE! I have been to numerous beautiful places I couldn't have dreamed of going to to include:


--But due to my husband's job, it restricted him from traveling to Africa so Scentsy sent us to PUNTA CANA!

Austin, Texas
Mediterranean Cruise (couldn't go due to living in Japan)
Kansas City
Nashville, TN
New Orleans
Cozumel Mexico
Boise Idaho **TWICE** (thats where HOME OFFICE is!)
Charlotte, NC

**HIGH LEVEL EARNER for our all of our non-travel incentives, 2 of the most recent ones are Grow With The Flow incentive, Scentsy Sling Shot incentive, Find Your Focus**

I am always looking for NEW PEOPLE TO bless & ADD to our Scent Lovin' Stars Family! Our team is VERY supportive and I would love to help you get started on this journey. Our company believes in quality products with quality service which is exactly what my goal is with every addition added to our team. If you're ready for a change, then this is the perfect business for you! What are you waiting for? Don't be like me and wish you joined sooner! It's only $99 to join or let's talk how you can join for $59 or less. Any route you choose will include a starter kit and a free website for 3 months. Plus being your OWN BOSS? UMM hello! If you are interested in starting your OWN journey, it's time to click that join button!

What's warming in my home